IPMA Level D - English - GPM Course Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA® Level D) Online

  • Startdatum: 20.11.2025
    Enddatum: 12.02.2026
  • Dauer: 7 Tag/e
    Ort: Online
  • Preis: 2905,00 EUR
  • jetzt anmelden

Target group:

Work package managers and employees working in projects, who want to enrich their project experience with profound project management knowledge.


Goal & benefits:

You acquire current and practice-oriented knowledge in all areas of project management. By getting trained on the practical use of methods and tools, you will be able to support your project manager as a competent team member.



The course covers the three competence areas of the ICB, Individual Competence Baseline 4, and the 28 competence elements they contain:

Context competences (perspective)

Personal and social competences (people)

Technical competences (practice)


Course concept:

Within 7 days of full-day Live-Online-Training in a virtual classroom you acquire the necessary tools to be a competent team member in any project team being able to support the project manager to handle projects by applying certain methods.


On the course days you will be learning by means of trainer presentations, by means of tasks you work on individually or in small virtual groups, in discussions and by means of feedback from other participants.


Between the course days there are self-study phases phases in which you will prepare yourself for the written exam and your feedback discussion by specifically working through the course documents and by preparing the level D report. Supporting exercise materials, phot documentation, a quality check of your report and the use of our learning platform (including an app for mobil devices) are available to you for this purpose.


After you have passed the voluntary certificate exam, you will receive your globally recognised certificate Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA® Level D).


Admission requirements for the certification procedure IPMA Level D:

Proof of own project management experience not required.


Certification examination IPMA Level D (initial certification):

  • Level D Report (25 pages)
  • Written examination (90 minutes)
  • Feedback discussion (20 minutes)

Our services for you:

Intensive, personal preparation for the certification examination by project management trainers with extensive training experience holding themselves at least an IPMA Level B certificate.

Providing learning materials, photo protocols and supplementary information on our interactive course platform in a timely manner following the course block.

Intensive support in the self-learning phases by trainers and employees of VOSS CONSULTING GmbH.

Introduction to the Microsoft Project software.

Intensive supervision by a maximum number of 12 participants per course.

Extensive exam preparation by operating two test examinations throughout the course.

Organisation and implementation of in-house certifications with personal “on-site support" by employees of VOSS CONSULTING GmbH as well as support and assistance regarding preparation and submission of application documents for the certification procedure.

Intensive support during the creation of the Level D report including feedback from one of our trainers twice throughout the process.

Pass rate above average.



7 course days


Final title after certification:

Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA Level D)


Course fee:

2.905,00 EUR, except from VAT

Includes 7 course days, exercise materials, photo documentation, use of the interactive learning platform (incl. app an quizzes), quality assurance of the report (incl. review, word template an sample) as well as comprehensive exam preparation


Licence fee (GPM):

295,00 EUR, plus VAT

Including license fee as well as the GPM course materials


Certification fee plus Organisation fee (PM-ZERT):

699,00 EUR, plus VAT

100,00 EUR, plus VAT

According to the current fee list of PM-ZERT